As we are all home under quarantine spending quality time with our families, I thought now is a perfect time to capture this historical time and bring families together. I launched #drivebysessions or "Home Sweet Home" Social Distancing Portrait sessions. While the photography studio is closed, I wanted to bring the Holmdel community together, spread some cheer, excitement and positive energy while making memories to last a lifetime. So that's exactly what I did. I told my neighbors - well...the town of Holmdel and had quite a lot of interest. All pictures are taken at your home, completely free and safely from a distance! 50% of any and all donations are going to the Holmdel Fire & Rescue Company.
I spent two days going from house to house to photograph families and it brought me much joy! Every family was super excited for their session as it gave them a reason to get out of their PJs, dressed up and out for some fun!

I hope to be able to capture quite a few more families during these uncertain times in the next few weeks. Hope everyone that can is staying home and staying healthy. We will overcome the Coronavirus crisis and come out stronger!

If you'd like to participate in this project, please reach out to me.
